Saturday, August 28, 2010

vampires suck sucks

The movie Vampires Suck isn't really all that funny. Some parts are.... comical... but the rest is just overboard with cartoon violence and cussing. In other words, I DO NOT reccommend Vampires Suck. Yeah, I know Twilight is awful, but even that is more hilarious than the parody.
Even the references to tacky reality tv shows aren't that funny.
I am officially disappointed.
Also the ending is random. And awkward.

In other supernatural news, I LOVE BEING HUMAN. I really hope Mitchell didn't die in the explosion. He is just too hott. And Annie! I hope she stays with the gang!!! Where is this plot going to!!! And now I have to wait TWO WEEKS before I can see the next episode!!! I am so sad. but also excited. ;)
Bytheway, I am totally Team Mitchell. And Team George. And Team Annie. ;)

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